Spray Foam Insulation
The most demanding component of real estate industry in the current days is Spray foam Insulation. It is a sort of plastic spray which is utilize for insulation and for preventing air to enter in house via roofs, walls & contoured surfaces. Spray foam is a mixture of various liquid components. Varieties of Spray Foam Insulation There are different categories of Spray Foam Insulation available in the markets but fundamentally there are two main kinds of the Spray Foam Insulation known as Open cell & closed cell Spray foam. These two kinds can be smashed down and categorized as low, medium high density insulation. Open Cell is a cheap Spray Foam Insulation in which the quantity of chemicals is less. Open Cell is a very useful air barrier but not like water vapor barrier. Open Cell Spray Foam used for indoor insulation and perform as a great sound barrier. The structure of Closed Cell Spray Foam Insulation is more solid & heavy as compare to the ...